Types of brands to manage your company

What are trademarks for?

A brand offers the customer a guarantee of the origin and quality of a product. It gives value to the product and allows the company to be known. Therefore, a good brand image is very important in marketing, and brings many advantages to the manufacturer:

  • Builds customer loyalty and encourages purchases

  • Allows targeting a specific community that is receptive to the brand image.

  • Segmenting the market and creating economies of scale

  • Ultimately, it generates higher profits

Thus, the brand is a contract based on trust, whereby a supplier undertakes to offer the customer a product of a certain quality.

The different types of brands to manage your brand

Product brand

The product branding strategy refers to a single product. This product is marketed under a specific brand and is accompanied by personalized communication.

The advantage of this strategy is that the brand can be easily separated from the product in case of bad press, without affecting the rest of the supplier's products. In addition, it allows for a well-differentiated positioning with specialized products.

The brand of the range

The range brand strategy refers to a brand applied to a series of products in the same category. These products come from the same company and satisfy the same needs.

To define the range, we evaluate its length and width:

  • Length of the range: number of products included in the whole range

  • Breadth of the range: number of different product types

The umbrella brand

An umbrella brand strategy is a brand that encompasses a multitude of products and services of the same company. Such a brand encompasses all the products of the same group to convey the same image.

This is an interesting strategy when you have a brand with a certain reputation and you want to launch a new product. In this way, your new product will benefit from the reputation of your brand and will be successful more quickly.

This strategy can be used in two ways:

  • The umbrella brand, which applies to products in the same market, but does not target the same category of consumers.

  • The umbrella brand that applies to products in unrelated markets

However, this strategy has a downside. By spreading itself too thinly and offering products that have nothing to do with each other, the company runs the risk of damaging its brand image through lack of consistency.

Double brand

This strategy of dual branding, or guarantee branding, makes it possible to define a mother brand that already has a certain reputation, and daughter brands that will benefit from this reputation.

Be careful not to confuse the umbrella brand with the parent brand. The former only covers products that belong to the same market and to the same category of consumers.

The global brand

This global branding strategy is used for products that are available worldwide. Of course, not all countries produce the same versions. However, the identity, policy and principle of the products remain the same from country to country.

What forms can brands take?

A mark can take many forms, allowing for a wide variety of images. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the most common forms that trademarks can take:

  • Word mark: consists exclusively of words or letters.

  • Figurative mark: uses characters, stylization, non-standard layout, color, etc.

  • Color marking: exclusive representation of a color without contour or a combination of colors.

  • Sound mark: combination of sounds

  • Form marking: the packaging of a product, such as a bottle of perfume.

MyMediaConnect in your brand management

By digitizing and centralizing all your brand data, the MyMediaConnect BPM platform allows you to manage your brand and brand management issues in a simplified way. Whether you adopt a range, product, umbrella, endorsement or global brand strategy, the platform will make you more relevant and efficient. Using MyMediaConnect in-house is ideal for managing your projects.


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